Stop and reflect for a moment about the people, things and places that inspire and motivate you, and you’ll find a common denominator with them: They all have had the “Insurance Advantage”.
The “Insurance Advantage” is a mindset, which some have had the courage to put into practice by investing their hard-earned money in insurance, whether as policyholders or promoters of the business.
As I spent time to consider the responses received so far on the Strengths of Insurance in our SWOT Analysis, I cringed as I saw ‘Peace of Mind’ dropped repeatedly, especially by non-insurance persons.
It is sheer courage that makes one person believe in the promise of another that when something unexpected happens, you’ll receive compensation or even promise to pay and fulfil it! There’s no better way to describe this.
Yeah, it becomes an advantage after you’ve had the first successful experience of receiving a claims payment or making one. When you hear what Claimants and Insurers go through, you’ll understand that that ‘Peace of Mind’ is indeed available.
Indeed, you become confident and trusting! Which is why insurance companies that know this, do everything to ensure they don’t disappoint.
The “Insurance Advantage” is available for us all and it is the factor that can make insurance work for us in Nigeria; only if we will take it.
Insurance mobilizes funds, in a way you cannot do on your own, to cater for the days of the unexpected events, which happens to everyone including great armies.
Be assured that any one or group you see “doing well” in the face of disasters have the “Insurance Advantage”, so why simply admire, respect or wonder when you too can enjoy it, with the accompanying ‘Peace of Mind’?
Hoping this helps someone or some groups of people to decide to have better lives and livelihoods in this disrupted world of ours.
I am happy as always to avail you with answers and information that will make your experiences bettter.

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